Sample Language for Your Will or Trust

If you previously included a gift to Fòs Feminista in your will or trust under our prior name, you may be wondering what action you need to take to ensure your plans are correct and up to date.

To ensure that we receive your gift as you intended, please include our tax ID number (13-1845455), which remained the same when our name changed.

If you do decide to update your plans, please use the following language.

We suggest the following language to include a gift in your will or trust:

“I give and bequeath [an amount equal to percent of my estate], or [description of asset], or [ dollars] to Fòs Feminista, a New York, NY nonprofit corporation (Tax ID 13-1845455), located at 125 Maiden Lane, 9th Floor, New York, NY for its general use.”

*If you are interested in supporting a specific project or program, it is best to discuss your plans with our planned giving professionals before completing your bequest language to confirm your wishes can be met by Fòs Feminista.

Useful Legal Information

Name:  Fòs Feminista
Address: 125 Maiden Lane, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10038
Federal Tax ID number: 13-1845455

I'm here to help

Jenny Barry

Jenny Barry

Lead, Philanthropy Foundations, Governments, and Major Gifts